Why EMR Matters: Allegheny Surface Technology’s Commitment to Safety and Excellence Shines with a .702 EMR Rating

Today, we want to shed light on a key aspect that’s pivotal in choosing the right surface finishing company: the Experience Modification Rate, or EMR. At Allegheny Surface Technology, our low .702 EMR is a reflection of our unwavering dedication to safety, quality, and excellence. But what exactly is an EMR rating, and why should it be an important consideration?

The EMR is a numeric representation of a company’s safety record, used within the insurance industry to assess past injury costs and predict future risks. The scoring is such that an EMR of 1.0 is considered the industry average. Anything below 1.0 is exceptional, indicating fewer-than-average accidents or injuries, whereas a score above 1.0 suggests a higher risk level.

Why does this matter? When selecting a surface finishing company, an EMR below the industry average means the company is committed to safety. It’s a sign they invest heavily in employee training, use the correct safety equipment, and strictly abide by industry safety guidelines. This commitment reduces potential accidents, ensuring a smoother project flow and superior work quality.

At Allegheny Surface Technology, we’re proud of our EMR rating, which is significantly lower than the industry average. This is a testament to our continuous efforts in enhancing work processes, strict adherence to safety protocols, and delivery of high-quality solutions. Our focus is to ensure that our projects are executed to the highest standards, offering our customers peace of mind.

So when you’re in need of a surface finishing solution, remember to consider the company’s EMR rating – it’s a substantial metric that goes beyond mere figures.